ELAscope - Oscilloscope with Raspberry PI PICO - for our students, free SW

Max. 1x 500 kS/s, 8192 samples, PWM generator  1 kHz - 5 MHz

Trigger: Auto, Normal, Single, Edge - rise, fall

Firmware , Dataplotter -PC Application here ( Windows, Linux)



Pinout ELAscope


Dataplotter with ELAscope


ELA - Logic analyser with Raspberry PI PICO

8 bit, max. 40 kS/s, max. 50 000 Samp

ELA Firmware  here;  PC application PulseView for ELA  Win 64, Win 32;    Linux

ELA Pico
ELA Pinout

ELA Pulseview

ELA- Pulsewiew